Dawn of time to 1000 C.E.

Alpha and Omega -- Immanentizing of the Eschaton.

20,000,000 BC -- Recent Epoch of geeology begins; Ice Age ends; human beings spread to all parts of the world.

30,000 -- First Illuminatus, Gruad, rules in Atlantis.

20,000 -- Mythical Lloigor inhabit continent of Mu.

10,000 -- Approximate beginning of agriculture. Estimated date of inscriptions on stone disks by the Dropa tribe, a diminuative people of the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains on the border of China and Tibet; disks describe how the tribe came to earth in flying machines; ancient Dropa graves contain human remains with huge heads and small bodies. Earliest estimated date of carving of the Crystal Skull found at Lubaantun in the Yucatan. Hyborian Age in Europe.

9,000 to 10,000 -- Date of Plato's Atlantis.

6,000 -- Picture writing develops.

5,000 -- First alphabet begins to develop.

4,000 -- Approximate date of discovery of metals, beginning of cities, constellations of stars first recorded. Egyptians begin placing small pieces of crystal on the forehead of deceased prior to mummification.

3,000 -- Approximate date of building of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid at Giza and other pyramids elsewhere in Egypt. Indus Valley civilization develops complex government, writing and well planned cities. Minoan civilization flourishes in Crete. Earliest parts of the Bible written. Beginning date of Olmec calendar from Central America:

3113 BC. Trephination (cutting a hole in the skull) practiced by people all over the world.
2,500 -- Sarmoung Brotherhood of Babylonia flourish according to Gurdjieff.

2,100 -- Egyptians record star configurations on which the 24 hour day is based.

2,000 -- Stonehenge and other stone circles built in England.

1,800 -- Huge Silbury Mound constructed near Stonehenge.

1,700 -- Babylonian Enuma Anu Enlil, early roots of astrology based on celestial phenomena.

1,500 -- Approximate date of the destruction of Thera, on which Atlantis legends are probably based. Early references to Mithraism on cuneform astronomical tests. Quadrants of the moon recorded in China.

1,360 -- Akhenaton's monotheistic sun worship in Egypt.

1,344 -- Tutankhamun, Akhenaton's successor who revived polytheism, buried at Thebes; curse reading "Death comes on swift wings to he who opens this tomb," written on tomb doorway.

1,300 -- Approximate date I Ching written in China.

1,184 -- End of the Trojan War, Illium falls to the Greeks.

1,000 to 2,000 -- Legendary Thule civilization in the Gobi region destroyed by a catastrophe, "possibly of an atomic nature," survivors migrating to Agarthi and Schamballah.

1,000 -- Huge Sacrificial Table built at Mystery Hill near North Salem, New Hampshire.

950 -- Approximate date of building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, traditional origin of the Masonic fraternity; alleged assassination of Temple master-mason Hiram for refusing to reveal masonic secrets.

900 -- Approximate time settlers from Europe and the Middle East established colonies in North America.

800 -- Twenty-two "moon stations" in monthly lunar cycle recognized in Babylonia, India and China.

753 -- Legendary founding of Rome by Romulus.

700 -- Jordanian city of Petra is carved out of sandstone by unknown culture.

600 -- Approximate beginning of money with first coins in Lydia.

575 -- Nebuchadnezzar completes building Tower of Babel in Babylon.

500 to 600 -- Time of Buddha, Lao Tse, Confucius, Zarathustra, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Zachariah and Daniel--an Illuminated century.

500 -- Sun-Tse's Treatise on the Art of War, first intelligence manual.

485 -- Execution of Spurius Cassius in Rome.

450 -- Development of the 12 constellations of the zodiac in Mesopotamia, recognizing the importance of the plane of the elliptic through which the sun, moon and planets move.

440 -- Assassination of Spurius Maelius.

400 -- Druidism in England. Astrological ideas from Enuma Anu Enlil transmitted to India.

390 -- Approximate date Plato's The Republic written, featuring such Illuminoid images as the Philosopher Kings, the Divided Line and the parable of the Cave.

355 -- Plato's Timaios and Kritias, earliest accounts of Atlantis.

300 -- Invention of Mayan calendar in Yucatan, based on advanced astronomy. Fabius family of Rome reaches its greatest heights.

275 -- Approximate date Greek poet Aratus makes first sytematic record of star constellations in Phaenomena.

273 to 232 -- Rule of Asoka, king of India who allegedly founded the Nine Unknown.

212 -- Archimedes uses burning-glass to set fire to Roman fleet at Syracuse, early use of lens as weapon.

133 -- Land reformer Tiberius Gracchus murdered and hundreds of his followers killed by followers of powerful Roman patricians; death of Scripio Africanus a few years later.

121 -- Gaius Gracchus and 3000 of his followers massacred by patricians.

100 -- The Great Teacher of the Essenes. Essentials of modern astrology worked out.

95 -- Approximate date of assassination of Saturninus and Glaucia.

92 -- Assassination of Rutilius Rufus.

91 -- Assassination of Livius Drufus.

73 -- Revolt of gladiators led by Spartacus.

44 -- Assassination of Julius Caesar.

4 -- Birth of Jesus of Nazareth, accompanied by various Illuminoid trappings: three early Men-In-Black disguised as the Wise Men; strange lights in the sky; miracles such as visits from angels, prohpecy and suspension of time are reported.

0 -- Carnation-Painted Eyebrows Society, Copper Horses, Iron Shins and other secret societies active in China.

C.E. 30 -- Assassination of the radical Jesus, allegedly on Illuminati orders; more Illuminoid trappings; an eclipse; an earthquake; visitorsfrom the sky roll away the stone from the sepulcher and liberate the crucified Jesus.

100 -- Hero of Alexandria devises primitive steam-engine.125 to 150 -- Simon Magus, Menander, Valentinus and others develop Gnostic religious doctrines of esoteric knowledge (illumination).

135 -- Approximate date Ptolemy records 1,022 stars in Almagest; also recorded astrological ideas from Enuma Anu Enlil in his Apotelesmatika.

150 -- Roman Mithraism competes with Christianity. Yellow Turban Society subdues northern China, Triad cult formed in opposition.

200 -- First book of the cabala, Sepher Yetzirah, compiled.

216 to 276 -- Life of Mani, the Illuminator, who founded Manicheism, based on ideas from Judaism, Christianity, Zoroasterism, Gnosticism, etc.

325 -- Council of Nicaea in which Christian begins to rigidify.

500 -- Chinese use of gunpowder.

570 to 632 -- Life of Muhammad, founder of Islam.

670 -- Ca -- Estimated date of carving of stone statues found on Easter Illinicus invents Greek Fire, primitive incendiary bomb.

673 to 735 -- Life of the Venerable Bede, the greatest scholar of Saxon England whose Ecclesiastical History of England (731) contained many occult and unexplained occurances.

700 -- Sufi mysticism begins.

730 -- Al Azif written in Damascus by Abdul Alhazred.

772 -- Charlemagne allegedly established Holy Secret Tribunal which becomes the Holy Vehm.

850 -- Ismaili and Fatimid missionaries throughout Islamic Empire preach revolution against the ruling Sunni order and Abbasid state.

900 -- Beginning of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, a Manicheian sect, roots of Cathari.

909 -- First Fatimid caliph in Egypt.

920 to 1003 -- Life of Pope Sylvester II who allegedly visited the Nine Unknown in India.

950 -- Al Azif translated into Greek as Necronomicon.

1000 -- Approximate founding of Yezidi cult by Sufi Sheikh Adi in Iraq. Abode of Learning active in Cairo. Spread of Cathari Manicheism throughout Europe. Leif Ericson explores North America.


 Part I  Dawn of Time to 1000 C.E.
 Part II  1000 C.E. to 1776 C.E.
 Part III  1776 C.E. to 1920 C.E.
 Part IV  1920 C.E. to 1950 C.E.
 Part V  1950 C.E. to 1973 C.E.

iLLuMiNaTi outline of History

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