1950 C.E. to 1973 C.E.
1950 -- Attempted assassination of Truman by Puerto Rican nationalists. Korean War begins. Congress passes McCarran's Internal Security Act setting up program for detention of subversives. Hiss convicted of perjury; Nixon elected to Senate after smear campaign against California opponent. U.S. Army engages in "simulated" germ warfare in San Francisco and the Pentagon. National Council of Churches founded in U.S. CIA organizes the Pacific Corporation, a large holding company which was the first of many CIA "private" enterprises. Alleged CIA plot to introduce UFO contact ideas with "Little Green Men" stories and radio contact "from space." Malcolm X receives visit from an MIB while in prison. Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky proposes a catastrophic theory of ancient history in which a huge "comet" of matter is ripped out of Jupiter, approaches Earth close enough to cause universal fire/flood legends in primitive folklore and the settles into orbit as a new planet, Venus; Velikovsky receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists, thought 20 years later Jupiter is generally considered a "cold star" rather than a planet and Velikovsky's prediction of a hot climate on Venus is confirmed. Approximate starting date of building of Mount Weather, secret American government fortress.
1951 -- Assassination of Ali Razmara of Iran, Riad Al-Sulh and Abdullah of Jordan and Ali Knah Liaquat of Pakistan. Army simulated germ warfare project in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Approximate date CBS begins active cooperation with CIA. McCord moves from FBI to CIA. North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners begins. Time magazine popularizes the term brainwashing.
1952 -- Eisenhower elected president, Nixon vice-president; Kennedy elected to Senate. Army germ warfare project in Key West, Florida, and Ft. McCellan, Alabama. CIA agent Downey and Fecteau captured while on spy mission in China. Third UFO flap year. First UFO "contact" case: George Adamski meets Venusians in California desert; alleged CIA plot to start UFO scare. UFOlogist George Williamson, one of Adamski's witnesses, claims he also witnessed ham radio operator establish contact with another world.
1953 -- Dr. Frank Olsen commits suicide after having been given a secret dose of LSD by the CIA, under the direction of the mysterious Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. CIA contemplates developing drugs to cause amnesia in retired agents. CIA's Robertson Panel views UFO reports as national security threat. Army germ warfare project in Panama City, Florida. Return of Korean War prisoners, including some who underwent brainwashing. 21 POWs defect. Mau Mau (Hidden Ones) formed in Kenya to overthrow white rule. UFOlogist Albert Bender closes down his International Flying Saucer Bureau after being visited by three MIB.
1954 -- Attempted assassinations of several U.S. Congressmen by Puerto Rican nationalists. First Bilderberger meeting takes place at the Bilderberg Hotel, Oosterbeek, Holland. Condemnation by the U.S. Senate of Joseph McCarthy following his charges of subversion in high places. Hunt involved in CIA overthrow of communist regime in Guatemala, Carlos Castillo-Armas becomes president. Richard Bissell joins the CIA. Army germ warfare project in Point Mugu and Fort Hueneme, California. Russian KGB created to replace earlier secret police. Broadcaster Frank Edwards fired for discussing UFOs on the air. Strange voice "from space" speaks from turned-off radios in midwest U.S. and London, warns against preparations for war.
1955 -- Assassination of Jose Antonio Remon of Panama and Adnan Al-Malki of Syria. Bilderberger meeting in Barbizon, France. Lee Harvey Oswald meets David Ferrie of the New Orleans Civil Air Patrol. Doug Durham joins the Marines. The Office of Naval Research allegedly receives a copy of Morris Jessup's The Case for the UFOs with marginal notes in three different hands, supposedly by "Gypsies" knowledgeable in UFOlogy; ONR reprints several hundred copies for internal use; an MIB called "Carlos Allende" is implicated in the affair.
1956 -- Assassination of Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. Bilderberger meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark. Clay Shaw's CIA contact allegedly stopped. Oswald joins Marines. Durham receives special CIA training. UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers which reported numerous MIB incidents.
1957 -- Assassination of Carlos Castillo-Armas of Guatemala. Exiled Ukranian politician Lev Rebet assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Alleged assassination of Joseph McCarthy at Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of Illuminati plot. Bilderberger meetings in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and Fiuggui, Italy. Oswald assigned to base at Atsugi, Japan, where CIA U-2 planes were launched; shoots self in elbow. General Edwin Walker commands federal troops sent to enforce racial integration at Little Rock, Arkansas. CIA helps Iran form SAVAK, secret police later accused of assassination Iranian dissidents. Experiments in behavior modification sleep-teaching take place at California penal institution Woodland Road Camp. Fourth UFO flap year. Anti- atomic bomb propaganda disseminated by saucer clubs -- another CIA plot? Unexplained short wave radio signals received worldwide.
1958 -- Assassination of Abdul Llah, Faisal II and Nuri Al-Said of Iraq. Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. Russia launches first space satellites. Unidentified ex-Marine lives in Minsk, USSR, apparently gathering information for the CIA. Oswald on maneuvers in the Philippines involving U-2 flights. Francis Gary Powers released from Air Force and assigned to covert CIA spying. Kerry Thornley and Gregory Hill found Discordianism and publish Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To Her When I Found Her; Thornley joins Marine Corps. John Birch Society organized by Robert Welch. Nelson Rockefeller elected governor of New York. Ham radio operators pick up a male voice claiming to be Nacoma of Jupiter and warning of atomic bomb disaster in English, German, Norweigian and his own unknown language.
1959 -- Assassination of Solomon W.R. Bandaranaike of Ceylon. Exiled Ukranian politician Stephan Bandera assassinated by KGB agent in Munich. Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia. Apparent suicide of UFO researcher Morris Jessup who had received communications from "Carlos Allende," one of the MIB and whose book was mysteriously annoted by UFOlogical Gypsies. Bilderberger meeting in Yesilkov, Turkey. Fidel Castro assumes power in Cuba; Cuban Intelligence (DGI) begun. Ruby visits casino owner in Havana. Kerry Thornley first meets fellow Marine Oswald in California; Oswald released from Marines, defects to Russia. Thornley assigned to U-2 base in Atsugi, Japan. Durham discharged from Marines, stationed at CIA base in Guatemala. UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval officer contacts "space people" while in CIA-observed trance. Condon's The Manchurian Candidate published.
1960 -- Assassination of Hazza Majali of Jordan. Bilderberger meeting in Burgenstock, Switzerland. Eisenhower authorizes training and arming Cuban exiles, allegedly issues orders for the assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba. Nixon, CIA agent Bissell and others plan Bay of Pigs invasion, obtain permission to use Guatemala as launching point. Bernard Baker serves as conduit for Bay of Pigs funding. CIA buys Southern Air Transport; contemplates development of "recruitment pills" and other drugs; studies mysterious amnesia of Korean war prisoners moved through Manchuria; contemplates giving truth serum to brainwashed American POWs. CIA spy Powers shot down in U-2 over Russia; summit conference cancelled. Kennedy-Nixon debates; Kennedy elected president. Oswald assigned job in Bellorussian Radio Factory in Minsk, USSR. Thornley discharged from Marines. Project Ozma, searching for intelligent signals from another part of the universe, receives unexplained signals from space.
1961 -- Assassination of Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo Molina of the Dominican Republic and Louis Rivagasore of Nurundi. Attempted assassination of Castro by Hans Tanner. Michael Rockefeller disappears in New Guinea. Bilderberger meeting in Quebec, Canada. Thornley arrives to New Orleans; Slim Brooks gives Thornley "the haircut" on his 23rd birthday; the same day, the CIA invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, launched from Guatemala, fails due to poor planning and cancellation of support by Kennedy; the CIA, the Mob, Cuban-exiles, right-wingers and Nixonites supposedly vow revenge against Kennedy. Kennedy develops extracurricular relationship with Judith Campbell, Sam Giancana's girlfriend; Giancana and John Roselli enlisted by CIA to attempt Castro assassination. George De Mohrenschildt on hiking trip through Guatemala. Brooks introduces Thornley to his "brother-in-law," Gary Kirstein, allegedly an undercover E. Howard Hunt; Thornley and "Kirstein" begin nearly three-year relationship of discussing Nazis, mind-control, the status of philosopher- kings, and plans to assassinate Kennedy. Robert Morrow, working with Ruby, Shaw and Ferrie, allegedly smuggle weapons from Greece to Central America for the CIA; also picks up information for CIA from "Harvey" in the Soviet Union. Ferrie, Gordon Novel and two others arrested in burglary of Louisiana arms bunker. Unidentified Marine from Minsk divulges information to CIA agent in Copenhagen. General Walker resigns after criticism of his anti-communist indoctrination of troops. U.S. Military Advisor Group begins defoliation project in Vietnam which eventually covers over 12% of land area. Milgram's Yale experiments demonstrating dangers of obedience to authority. Unexplained transmissions from space monitored by ham radio operators worldwide; Bob Renaud, ham operator, allegedly makes contact with aliens.
1962 -- Suicide of Marilyn Monroe under questionable circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Oswald returns to America with his Russian wife, an alleged KGB agent. Retired General Walker arrested on Attorney Robert Kennedy's orders when Walker became involved in the racial disorders in Oxford, Mississippi; Walker stripped naked and flown to Springfield, Missouri, prison for examination; Walker reported to be incompetent but was later released and ran against John Connally for Governor of Texas. Hunt becomes head of CIA's new Domestic Operations Division. CIA interference in Ecuadorian politics. CIA allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to infect Cuban turkeys with Newcastle disease (though the technician supposedly double-crossed them). Ruby allegedly flies from Mexico City to visit Havana. CIA begins using secret terror teams in Vietnam, roots of Operation Phoenix. Dr. Edgar Schein outlines behavior modification programs for U.S. prisons, based on Korean brainwashing techniques. Cuban missile crisis. De Mohrenschildt, friend of the Kennedys, befriends the Oswalds in Dallas. Durham employed by Des Moines Police Dept. UFOlogist Williamson disappears in South America. Film version of The Manchurian Candidate released.
1963 -- Assassination of Sylvanus Olympio of Togo, Abdul Karim Kassem of Iraq, Medgar Evers of US, Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam and John Kennedy of US; Texas Gov. John Connally wounded, police officer Tippit and Oswald killed. Attempted assassination of General Walker in Dallas earlier, allegedly by Oswald; Oswald also supposedly threatened to kill ex-Veep Nixon, or was it Veep Johnson? the Warren Commission wasn't sure. Alleged assassination attempt of JFK in Miami but right-winger Milteer spills the beans; another attempt in Chicago also supposedly foiled. Attempted assassination of Castro in which CIA agent Rorke is killed. Bilderberger meeting in Cannes, France. Johnson becomes president; almost immediately reverses JFK's decision to withdraw from Vietnam. CIA begins weather modification project over Hue, Vietnam. Equadorian government overthrown. Profumo scandal in England, involving sex and spying, brings down Conservative government. Russia sends first woman into space. Unexplained radio transmission interrupts astronaut Gordon Cooper in unidentified language. Numerous MIB spotted in Dealy Plaza.
Oswald in New Orleans
Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee established at same address as ex-FBI man Guy Bannister's private detective office, also used for E. Howard Hunt's (allegedly the "brother-in-law" Thornley met with several times over period 1961-1963) Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti-Castro fronts; confrontation with Carlos Bringuier, another agent for CIA's Domestic Contact Service, in front of Shaw's International Trade Mart; Oswald asks Bringuier to hit him, pleads guilty when they are arrested, asks to see an FBI agent, is released and appears on radio and TV the next day to publicize his activities; Oswald allegedly meets Shaw, Ferrie and other operatives of the FBI and CIA; Oswald, Shaw and Ferrie allegedly attempt to register to vote in rural Clinton, Louisiana, attracting attention by arriving in a black Cadillac; Oswald and Thornley allegedly meet at nightclub; Thornley thinks it was a "look-alike"; Jack Ruby visits New Orleans to obtain "the services of a stripper known as 'Jada,' who became his featured performer."
Oswald in Mexico
Although Oswald was allegedly on a bus to Mexico at the time, someone calling
himself "Harvey Oswald" appeared at the Selective Service office in
Austin, Texas, to discuss his undesirable discharge; the next day Cuban refugee
leader Sylvio Odio is visited in Dallas by two Latins and "Leon Osward"
(whom they called "Leopoldo") to discuss violent anti-Castro
activities and revenge against Kennedy -- though Oswald was supposedly on his
way to Mexico City; Albert Osborne, who allegedly paid for 1000 Hands Off Cuba
leaflets which Oswald distributed in New Orleans, allegedly rides the same bus
with him to Mexico City; Oswald, or someone impersonating him, attempts to go to
Cuba from Mexico City; while Oswald was in Mexico a second Oswald appeared at a
Dallas rifle range to shoot bull's-eyes, have his scope adjusted and talk to
people there; Oswald returns to Dallas on bus No. 332, or was it No. 340? which
had the name "Oswald" added to the manifest after the trip.
Oswald in Dallas
Soon after returning from Mexico Oswald and his family allegedly drove to Alice,
Texas, to talk with the manager of KPOY -- though Oswald didn't drive and the
Warren Commission concluded he couldn't have been in Alice then; Oswald attends
General Walker's John Birch meeting lecture and two nights later attends an ACLU
meeting where he criticizes Walker's alleged racism; someone looking like Oswald
visits a furniture store in Irving, Texas, with his family, looking for a part
for a gun; the second Oswald visits the Irving Sports Shop to have three holes
drilled in a rifle, though Oswald's only had two holes and they were drilled
before he got it; the second Oswald cashes a $189 check at an Irving grocery
store, buys groceries Oswald was unlikely to buy and gets a HAIRCUT accompanied
by a teenager who allegedly exchanged leftist remarks with him; Oswald II visits
the Lord-Lincoln auto agency to look at cars, test drives one at 70 mph and
brags about coming into money soon and returning to Russia; Oswald II begins
visiting Dallas/Irving rifle ranges to demonstrate his marksmanship, shooting
bull's-eyes and hitting other people's targets; Oswald I writes a letter to the
Dallas FBI which is destroyed soon after the assassination; Oswald I writes to
"Mr. Hunt" asking to "discuss the matter fully before any steps
are taken by me or anyone else"; two days before the assassination Oswald
II creates a scene in a Dallas restaurant where Officer J.D. Tippit
"glowered" at him; Oswald I allegedly seen at the Carousel Club,
plotting with Ruby, Tippit and/or Bernard Weissman; Oswald I or II allegedly
ordered distribution of the anti-Kennedy "Wanted for Treason" leaflets
in Dallas; Oswald, or was it Billy Lovelady? photographed standing in the
doorway of the Book Depository building at the moment Kennedy was shot; Oswald
II allegedly seen fleeing from the back of the Book Depository immediately after
the assassination; Oswald II confronts Tippit, Oswald I arrested in the Texas
Theatre; Oswald's voice prints show he told the truth when he said "I
didn't shoot anybody, no sir."
Faces in the
Among the several hundred witnesses to the assassination were the following: the
"umbrella man" who supposedly signaled assassination teams to fire by
closing his black umbrella; the "Babushka Lady," who allegedly was
introduced to "Lee Oswald of the CIA" by Jack Ruby and who also filmed
the assassination, only to have the FBI confiscate the film and never return it;
Joseph Milteer, the National States Rights Party leader who had disclosed the
Miami plot against JFK and who had links through the NSRP to James Earl Ray's
brother Jerry; three tramps who were arrested soon after the assassination, two
of them allegedly resembling E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, the third
possibly being Oswald II; Lee Harvey Oswald and George DeMohrenschildt who, so
DeMohrenschildt told a hospital roommate just before his death, were together
watching the parade when the shots were fired -- Oswald ran and that was the
last time DeMohrenschildt supposedly saw him.
Some Nagging
Nixon, having attended a convention of Pepsi-Cola executives in Dallas, leaves
for New York an hour before the assassination and was one of the few people who
later forgot where he was at the time; J. Edgar Hoover also alleged to have been
secretly in Dallas on the same day. Texas oilman H.L. Hunt taken into protective
custody by federal agents after the assassination and kept in another city for
several days to avoid threats by those who might think he was involved.
DeMohrenschildt, in Haiti, expresses belief Oswald was a patsy and that the FBI
killed Kennedy (though later DeMohrenschildt claimed to have been the link
between H.L Hunt and Oswald in a right-wing plot to kill JFK). Ferrie allegedly
flies to Dallas on evening after assassination but his actual whereabouts remain
unclear. Ruby, allegedly in hypnotic trance, shoots Oswald after an unexplained
horn honk signal in the Dallas Police building basement. Cuban Bay of Pigs
veteran named Ruedelo arrives in Madrid, Spain, five days after Kennedy
assassination, jailed for invalid visa. Murder of Jack Zangetti, Oklahoma motel
owner who told friends the day after the JFK killing that Ruby would kill Oswald
and a member of the Sinatra family would be kidnapped soon afterward to distract
attention from the assassination. Frank Sinatra, Jr., kidnapped, released
1964 -- Assassination of Jigme P. Dorji of Bhutan. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Betty Mooney MacDonald, former Carousel Club stripper who had met Oswald at a party and provided an alibi for Darrell Wayne Garner (who was accused of wounding Tippit-killing witness Warren Reynolds), found hanged in her cell after being arrested for fighting with her roommate; Garner disappears, later found dead; Hank Killam, whose wife Wanda was also a stripper at Ruby's club and who was a friend of John Carter who once lived in Oswald's rooming house, evades police for several months, then found with a slashed throat in Pensacola, Florida; Gary Underhill, former Life editor and CIA agent who begged friends to protect him because he knew who killed Kennedy, found shot in left side of head -- ruled suicide even though he was right-handed; Bill Hunter, Long Beach Press-Telegram reporter, who had met with Ruby's roommate George Senator and Ruby's attorney Tom Howard at Ruby's apartment a few hours after Oswald's murder, shot to death by a policeman in Long Beach, California, police station, accidentally; Jim Koethe, Dallas Times-Herald reporter also present at the meeting in Ruby's apartment, killed by karate chop to the throat as he emerged from the shower; Mary Meyer, painter, niece of forester Gifford Pinchot and one of JFK's lovers (who allegedly funneled LSD from an unsuspecting Timothy Leary to JFK), shot while taking a walk in Washington, D.C. -- her secret diary confiscated by her CIA friend James Angleton, later allegedly destroyed. Robert Kennedy allegedly stalked in assassination plot during his New York senatorial race by Frank Chavez, associate of Ruby; Puerto Rican Teamster Ramon Ducos and Miguel Cruz who was allegedly arrested with Oswald in New Orleans and who claimed to have killed Kennedy; Chavez later killed by his bodyguard, Miguel Cruz. Durham kills wife, terminated from Des Moines police. Bilderberger meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia. Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf resolution giving LBJ power to make war on Vietnam. Virginia Miller, later known as "Blue Dove," allegedly begins career as "disrupter" in the Amerindian community; later serves as FBI informer on Indian activities. Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy released; Commission finds that Oswald, acting alone, killed JFK.
1965 -- Assassination of Pierre Ngendandumwe of Burundi, Hassan Ali Mansour of Iran, Malcolm X of US and Mario Mendez Montenegro of Guatemala. On the day Malcolm was killed Pio Ghana de Pinto, who had been working with him to coordinate poor Americans and Third World Africans, was machine-gunned at his home in Africa. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Tom Howard, Ruby's attorney who met with Senator and others after Oswald's death, died of a heart attack after "acting strangely" for two days, no autopsy performed; Rose Cherami, another Carousel stripper who told a psychiatrist Kennedy had to be killed two days before it happened and who said she'd seen Oswald at Ruby's club many times, killed in a hit-and-run car accident near Big Sandy, Texas; Dorothy Kilgallen, columnist and TV panel-show figure who had a private half-hour interview with Ruby and said she was going to break the Kennedy case wide open, found dead in her apartment of an apparent overdose of alcohol and barbiturates; William Whaley, Dallas cab driver who took Oswald from the Book Depository to his rooming house after the assassination, killed in an auto accident -- the first on-duty cabbie death in Dallas since 1937; Karen Bennett Carlin, another Carousel entertainer who reported seeing hate-ad signer Bernard Weissman at Ruby's club and was the last known person to speak to Ruby before he shot Oswald, died of gunshot wounds in the head in Houston. Bilderberger meeting in Lake Como, Italy. Fighting in Vietnam escalates into major war. US Army explores sites in the Middle East for potential locations for nuclear devices intended to set off earthquakes. Early prison behaviour mod program, CASE, begins in Washington, D.C., boys school. Durham involved in various Mafia activities and acts as informer for police, possibly CIA. Fifth UFO flap year. Three Russian scientists report receiving unexplained signals from space. California highway inspector Rex Heflin, who took pictures of UFOs, visited by MIB who took the original photographs and left; NORAD denies they were their men, as claimed. Another ham radio operator, Sidney Padrick, makes contact with UFO aliens.
1966 -- Assassination of Sir Abubakar Balewa of Nigeria, J.T.V. Ironsi Aquiyi of Nigeria and Hendrick F. Verwoerd of South Africa. Attempted assassination of James Meredith in US. E. Howard Hunt serves as CIA contact in assassination plot against Castro. Retired naval Lt. William Pitzer, who had photographed the secret JFK autopsy and was beginning a job with a TV station, found dead with a bullet in his head. Bilderberger meeting in Wiesbaden, Germany. CIA begins weather modification experiments over Cuba, later used in an attempt to ruin Castro's sugar cane crop. Army simulated germ warfare project in New York City.
1967 -- Assassination of American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell in Virginia. Che Guevara killed in Bolivia after CIA questioning. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Jack Ruby, whose lawyers charged Dallas authorities with neglecting his health, died of cancer while awaiting retrial; David Ferrie, who was to be a key witness in the trial of Clay Shaw, found dead in his locked apartment in New Orleans, ruled suicide though how the ruptured blood vessel which induced his brain hemorrhage could be self-inflicted was unexplained; Eladio del Valle, a friend of Ferrie's who had hired him to fly bombing missions over Cuba, found shot through the heart in a parking lot in Miami, Florida, the same day Ferrie was killed. Dr. Mary Sherman, another friend of Ferrie, shot in New Orleans, her body partially burned by her killer. Bilderberger meeting in Cambridge, England. Beginning of Clay Shaw trial; DA Jim Garrison subpoenas Allen Dulles and ex-CIA employee Gordon Novel to testify; both escape testimony. CIA's Operation Phoenix, which was to assassinate and torture over 40,000 in Vietnam, officially launched. Beginning of CIA's $21 million rain-making program over Indochina which would make 2,600 sorties by 1972. Approximate date La Costa Resort hotel built near San Clemente, California: meeting place of Mob figures, Teamsters, politicians and other big-wigs. Winthrop Rockefeller elected governor of Arkansas. Black Panther party formed. Military takeover of Greece allegedly executed by secret Operation Prometheus. Australian Prime Minister disappears while swimming. Jim Thompson, ex-OSS commando and "Silk King of Thailand," disappears on Easter Sunday; five months later his sister is murdered. Rex Heflin again visited by MIB in connection with his photos of California UFOs; similar MIB incidents in New York and elsewhere; another MIB, Mr. Dixsun, allegedly visits Colorado University UFO researcher Edward Condon and offers to help him contact the space people.
1968 -- Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, and Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Nicholas Chetta, who performed autopsies on Ferrie and Dr. Sherman, died of an apparent heart attack; Richard Carr, JFK assassination witness about to testify in the Clay Shaw trial, learns police have arrested a man planning to shoot him. Bilderberger meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada. King assassination: James Earl Ray begins international travels thanks to "Raoul" who sounds very much like his younger brother Jerry Ray; FBI begins search for Ray as lone assassin, ignoring considerable evidence of a conspiracy with Ray as patsy -- including reports of the mysterious "sausage and eggs man" who was seen in the neighborhood of King's motel with a rifle before and after the murder. Following King assassination black leader Ron Karenga meets secretly with California Governor Reagan and later with Los Angeles police chief Thomas Reddin. Spiro Agnew's law-n-order handling of riots following King's assassination brings him to national attention; Agnew allegedly chosen for Nixon's vice-president to obtain CIA and Greek oil and shipping firms' contributions. Robert Kennedy assassination: Sirhan Sirhan, who wounded Kennedy in the shoulder pad, still doesn't remember what happened but perhaps security guard Eugene Cesar, who carried the same caliber gun as Sirhan, does; Kennedy was shot in the back of the head at close range -- Cesar was close behind him, Sirhan several feet in front; a "girl in the polka dot dress," who earlier had been seen with Sirhan, reportedly leaves the scene saying "We've shot him!" Nixon and Agnew elected. Approximate date group called The Kaisers founded -- 60 German-Americans allegedly planning to make Nixon a dictator. FBI begins secret Cointelpro campaign against New Left and black radicals. New York police BOSS unit founds local Black Panther party using undercover agents. FBI informer William O'Neal infiltrates Chicago Black Panthers, becomes chief of security, Los Angeles police establish Criminal Conspiracy Section which employs Donald DeFreeze, Louis Tackwood, Ron Karenga, the Steiner brothers and other agents to infiltrate prison reform and black power groups. CIA penetrates the Students for a Democratic Society at Columbia College; National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) formed within the SDS. Congress creates LEAA to fund state and local police programs. Behavior mod token economy program set up in West Virginia youth center. Mystery ship Scheersberg disappears between Antwerp and Genoa with 200 tons of uranium believed to have been taken to Israel. Astronauts circling the moon interrupted by unexplained voices. Unexplained distress signals from the mid-Pacific received by radio stations, no ships found during search. UFOlogists Steiger, Whitenour and Keel smeared during MIB visits in UFO flap area. Continental drift theory confirmed.
1969 -- Assassination of Tom Mboya of Kenya and A.A. Shermarke of Somalia. Clyde Johnson, who had allegedly attended parties with Ferrie, Ruby and Oswald and who was beaten up to keep him from testifying at the Clay Shaw trial, shot to death near Greensburg, Louisiana. Richard Carr, while visiting in Atlanta, is attacked by two men with knives. Fifteen Russian generals die in "unrelated" incidents within a month's time. CIA-linked Professor Thomas Rika disappears from Boulder, Colorado. Bilderberger meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. First manned lunar landing. Chappaquidick accident involving Edward Kennedy; Mary Jo Kopechne dies. Trial of Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate JFK; with Jim Garrison's witnesses dead or discredited by CIA or FBI and other government agencies, Shaw was soon found not guilty. Nixon issues Executive Order No. 11490 establishing plans for dictatorial control in the event of a "national emergency." New York Times reveals secret US bombing of Cambodia; Nixon authorizes phone taps of Kissinger's staff to discover leak. Chicago police and FBI raid Black Panthers, kill Fred Hampton and Mark Clark (who were possibly drugged by O'Neal); a series of earlier clashes had left other Chicago Panthers dead. Black Panther leaders killed in Los Angeles by the Steiner brothers, members of Karenga's United Slaves; Panther headquarters raided by SWAT team. New York Panthers indicted for conspiracy. CIA's Colton Westbrook returns from Phoenix program in Vietnam to become involved in Black Culture Association (BCA) program in California prisons. DeFreeze sent to Vacaville, California prison, begins to undergo personality changes. Pentagon and Department of Interior researchers study methods of inducing earthquakes by injecting fluids into deep wells. Alleged CIA spy Humberto Carrillo Colon arrested by Cuban government which seized his Very Low Frequency transceiver and coded messages describing strange lights, a minisubmarine and other unexplained items. MIB "Carlos Allende" visits UFOlogists Jim and Coral Lorenzen in Tucson, gives them a copy of the ONR reprint of Jessup's Case for the UFOs. Woodstock rock festival in New York state draws well over half a million.
1970 -- Assassination of union leader Joseph Yablonski and his family in Pennsylvania. Attempted assassination of Pope Paul VI. Reuther dies in plane crash under suspicious circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland. US Army experts complete a "mock assassination" project against the president and Congress, demonstrating that determined terrorists could wipe out US leaders through use of chemical of germ warfare. US invasion of Cambodia; Kent State killings; massive protests. Nixon staffers develop the Huston Plan and "Plumbers Unit" in plot to use police and intelligence agencies at all levels for political purposes. Attorneys Lefcourt in New York and Gary in San Francisco are subject to the first of over 100 unsolved break-ins which take place over the next five years; valuables untouched but sensitive political information taken. FBI/police attacks on Black Panthers in Seattle, Baltimore, New Bedford, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Toledo, Detroit and Carbondale. Westbrook meets DeFreeze; BCA at Vacaville encourages revolutionary ideas and racial hatred in inmates. Personality- altering Prolexin administered to 1,093 inmates at Vacaville; Special Programs Unit behavior mod program begins at Joliet, Illinois, under Dr. Martin Groder; Bureau of Prisons requests funds for Federal Center for Correctional Research in Butner, North Carolina. Approximate date of the "Korea-gate" scandal: Korean CIA undertakes massive influence-peddling campaign, 50 congressmen accept bribes, links made with Nixon Administration and the Unification Church.
1971 -- Assassination of Wasfi Tal of Jordan. Daughter of conspiracy investigator Mae Brussell killed in suspicious car accident. Bilderberger meeting in Woodstock, Vermont. Pentagon Papers published. Hunt hired by White House to gather damaging evidence against Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Kennedy and other "enemies"; Hunt hires Barker and other Bay of Pigs veterans to make break-in at Ellsberg's psychiatrist's office. Barker attempts to get plans to building which will house the Democratic Convention. Plumber chief David Young, former Kissinger aid, contacts CIA for psychiatric profile of Ellsberg, referred to Howard Osborn, a possible Oswald link. White House agent Sergretti meets with FBI, Minutemen and others to plan kidnapping of radicals during the 1972 convention -- a plan later scrapped. FBI begins (or continues) illegal break-ins, mail-openings and wiretaps, conducted by Squad 47 of the internal security division in search of Weather Underground fugitives. Future SLA members Camilla Hall and William Wolfe move to Berkley, become involved in radical and prison reform activities. Electroshock treatments given to hundreds of inmates at Vacaville. Black Panther party in shambles; Cointelpro supposedly disbanded. Zimbardo's Stanford experiments demonstrating dangers of prisoner/guard role-playing. "Deprogrammer" Ted Patrick begins kidnapping Jesus Freaks and reconverting them to conventional behavior. John Keel's Our Haunted Planet discusses more MIB cases.
1972 -- Assassination of Abeid Karume of Zanzibar. Attempted assassination of George Wallace in Maryland by "loner" Art Bremer who had more money than he should and had alleged connections with CIA-types. Warren Commission dissident Hale Boggs disappears on flight to Alaska. Death of E. Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy in plane crash while carrying large amount of cash -- alleged murder described separately under Flight 553. Other alleged murders involving secret funds include Rep. William O. Mills (suicide) and his assistants Col. J. Webster and James Glover; a Mr. Taub, Kalmback employee; Dennis Cossini, alleged CIA contact with Bremer; Lou Russell, security cop employed by McCord Associates; and Mrs. Andrew Topping, wife of man alleged to be plotting assassination of Nixon during 1972 convention. J. Edgar Hoover dies. Bilderberger meeting in Knokke, Belgium. A series of dirty tricks eliminates Muskie as presidential contender; Humphrey and Jackson also smeared; Nixon aides and west coast Nazis cooperate in attempt to keep Wallace of California ballot; Hunt ordered to break into Bremer's apartment but refuses. Watergate break-in; FBI official Charles Bates placed in charge of investigation. Agnew allegedly meets Brienguier (Oswald's buddy) in New Orleans. Tackwood alleges that plans are made to disrupt Republican convention in San Diego, declare martial law, assassinate Nixon (or make false attempt). ITT scandal forces Republicans to move to Miami. CIA attempt to crack columnist Jack Anderson's information source fails. William and Emily Harris, Angela and Gary Atwood and others move to Bay area, become involved in radical and prison reform activities. Thero Wheeler, another alleged police agent, meets DeFreeze at Vacaville; DeFreeze moved to Soledad prison. Black Abductor, anticipating the Hearst kidnapping, published by unknown California publisher. Exposure and defeat of planned psychosurgery program at Vacaville; CARE behavior mod program begins at Marion, Illinois; START program begins at Springfield, Missouri; Joliet unit closed. West German authorities produce a skull they say was Martin Bormann's a few days after articles appear with evidence he is alive in Argentina.
Flight 553
Chicagoan Lawrence O'Connor, who had used United Airlines Flight 553 or its
equivalent to fly from Washington to Chicago on Friday nights for years was
warned by a White House source not to take this flight; among those killed in
the crash at Midway Airport, Chicago, were: Dorothy Hunt who was carrying
$50,000 in Watergate payoff money and close to $2 million she was attempting to
place in foreign banks; Michele Clark, CBS newswoman who was to interview Mrs.
Hunt on a story that could allegedly destroy Nixon; at least four people alleged
to have knowledge of a large labor union "donation" to the Committee
to ReElect the President (CREEP), paid to stop the indictment of a Chicago labor
hoodlum; and a group of gas pipeline lobbyists, attorneys and gas company
officials (Robert Moreau, Nancy Parker, Ralph Blodgett, James Drueger, Lon
Bayer, Wilbur Erickson) who had allegedly gathered evidence against former
Attorney General John Mitchell in an anti-trust case involving El Paso Natural
Gas Co.; also aboard was a "hit-man" using the cover of Harold
Metcalf, of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, who told the pilot, Captain Whitehouse,
he was carrying a gun and was assigned a jump seat near the food galley and rear
door; Captain Whitehouse and six of the Watergate-related passengers were found
to have unexplainably high cyanide content after the crash, though the other 35
passengers killed did not; following the crash hit-man Metcalf, in a jump suit,
walked out the cracked open fuselage; up to 200 FBI and CIA agents allegedly
took over the crash site immediately, beating the fire department to the scene,
refusing to allow in a medical team, confiscating Control Tower tapes,
interviewing survivors and witnesses before National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB) investigators had a chance to; CBS News requested immediate cremation of
Michele Clark's body; evidence of sabotage includes possible tampering with
altimeter and air data computer, malfunctioning of the runway visual range
recorder and the Kedzie localizer which acted as the runway's outer marker, a
series of misdirections from air traffic controllers and the failure of Flight
553's standby power system; an in-flight robbery gang known as the Joseph
Sarelli mob allegedly came into possession of some of the Hunt money and
Mitchell documents soon after the crash and reportedly fenced it for $5 million;
the day after the crash Nixon aide Egil Krogh, Jr., of Ellsberg burglary fame,
appointed Undersecretary of Transportation and placed in charge of the two
agencies investigating the crash (NTSB and FAA); ten days later Nixon assistant
Alexander Butterfield, a CIA-aviation liaison, appointed head of Federal
Aviation Administration; a few weeks later Nixon aide Dwight Chapin becomes top
executive with United Airlines.
1973 -- Assassinations of US diplomats Cleo A. Nobel, Jr., and George C. Moore and Belgian diplomat Guy Eid by Palestinian guerrillas in Khartoum; Richard Sharples of Bermuda, Mohammad Ali Osman of Yemen, Salvador Allende Gossens of Chile, Luis Carrero Blanco of Spain and Dr. Marcus Foster in Oakland, California; assassination of an American Army officer by insurgent group in Iran. Senator Stennis shot in Washington, D.C. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Trilateral Commission founded under the direction of David Rockefeller, with Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale among the founding members. Agnew resigns. Sidney Gottlieb, head of CIA's LSD and other drug programs, destroys records to hide details of program. Kissinger and his deputy General Scowcroft order a series of CIA spying operations in Micronesia. Hunt beaten in his cell before testifying about the Bremer connection. Durham becomes FBI agent, infiltrates American Indian Movement (AIM), becomes chief of security. Liberation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, by AIM. Blue Dove becomes an FBI agent. DeFreeze escapes from Soledad; Wheeler escapes from Vacaville. "Race war" in Bay area culminates in the killing of Dr. Foster which the SLA claims credit for in its first communique. Experiments with implanting electrodes in the brain carried out at Vacaville and elsewhere. Behavior mod unit started at El Reno, Oklahoma, prison; START- type program introduced to Maryland public schools by Behavior Research Institute. Sixth UFO flap year.
Flight 553
Alex Botto, Jr., who had infiltrated the Joseph Sarelli air piracy gang for the
Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts (CCCUC), seized by federal marshals,
taken to the federal prison hospital at Springfield, Missouri, and held for 40
days without hearing or trial; Botto and another CCCUC agent, Joseph Zale,
testified to seeing evidence from the sabotaged United Airlines Flight 553 in
the Sarelli mob's possessions and turned over evidence on this and an earlier
crash robbery to Nixon's Strike Force in Chicago; just before the reopening of
the case Zale was indicted in an alleged frameup by federal agencies; CCCUC
chairman Sherman Skolnich revealed at the 553 hearings that his group had stolen
the entire government file, 1300 pages of documentation, and was presenting it
as evidence of foul play in the Midway Airport crash.
Part I | Dawn of Time to 1000 C.E. |
Part II | 1000 C.E. to 1776 C.E. |
Part III | 1776 C.E. to 1920 C.E. |
Part IV | 1920 C.E. to 1950 C.E. |
Part V | 1950 C.E. to 1973 C.E. |